Business Field

transducer / Industrial cleaning technology / Ultrahigh precision technology

Pre Cleaner

Business Field
Pre Cleaner


Features of Solar Wafer Cleaner include cleaning and peeling processes of ingots contaminated in cutting process after wire sawing

Efficient Management

Optimized system configuration, efficient management of detergents and waste water

Multi-bath Type Ultrasonic Washing

Nozzle shower of a multi-bath type method, ultrasonic washing, peeling process included

Fully Automatic Large Amount Washing

Washing of a large amount of ingots by a fully automatic method

User Interface (UI)

Optimum programs customized for users¡¯ environments



MaterialSi (Multi & Mono)
Size156X156mm (Other size on application)
Thickness160 micro (Other size on application)
Cleaning containerRinse with Ultrasonic (Multi Frequency)
Rinse containerDetergent or Acid
Transfer methodFor loading and unloading (Wet transport)
Circulation methodCirculation and Filtering
Production capacity4~5 blocks / hour
OptionAuto dosing station (Optional)
OptionSludge Recycle system (Optional)
Operation panel10 inch Touch Screen
Safety deviceOver/level/limit sensor and interlock